Sunday, March 8, 2015

Day 8 CalFresh Challenge

Dinner: Chicken, Uncle Ben's brown rice, roasted beet and sweet potato, 2 slices of tomato drizzled with extra-virgin olive oil and water.

Lunch: Spinach salad (the rest of the salad kit) with tomato, cucumber, avocado and the salad toppings it came with. I really didn't feel like eating a salad today, but I had the spinach and today was already planned. I couldn't let the spinach go bad. One thing I've found out is: Stay on track with the planned menu! If not you will throw the WHOLE food schedule and budget off. In the end, I felt like I always do after I ate the salad-so glad that I ate it!

Well now! This is a sale I can go for! Scored on the chia seeds today!

So this "sale" on dragon fruit only saves you .02 cents! This fruit is always $3.00 each, so I felt that I could not afford it at this time. $3.00 is more than a box of Uncle Ben's Brown Rice. If by any chance I have $3.00 left over at the end of the month, then I will know that I could have gotten one, until then it's a no! This is also the first thing on this journey that I felt I couldn't afford.

Snack: A whole apple with cashew butter, topped with: carob chips (the last of my carob chips), pomegranate seeds, chia seeds and dried goji berry.

Breakfast: Smoothie bowl (2 frozen bananas blended with almond milk), with the toppings that came with the spinach salad kit (nuts & dried cherry), I added carob chips!

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